Näin ihanat junasukat jonkun blogissa vähän aikaa sitten. Oikestaan minun tekisi mieli nimetä nämä makkarasukiksi, mutta kun ohjeessa kerrotaan tarina niin hyvin, niin menköön.

I saw adorable 'train socks' in a blog some time ago. Actually I'd like to call these 'sausage socks' , but because the story in the pattern site is so good, I'll call these train socks, too.

(Story in short: a Mother was in a train with her 2 m/o baby. It was 1939 and war time. A bomb broke the railway and the train couldn't go on. There was also a craft teacher in the train and she felt pity because the baby didn't have socks. So she frogged a part of her white cardigan and knitted this kind of socks during the railway was fixed.)


Tekniset tiedot: / Technical details:w

Ohje / Pattern: Junasukat (in Finnish only, sorry)
Lanka / Yarn: Opal Smoke
(75% wool, 25% polyamid, 100 g = 425 m)
Puikot / Needles: 2.5 mm KnitPicks Harmony
Kulutus / Usage: 21 g
Silmukoita / Stitches: 40
Koko / Size: 6-12 kuukautta/months


Tässä kuvassa mallina on Aino, 1 vuotta 3 kk. Ainolle sukat olivat vähän pienet, joten nämä lienevät juuri sopivat alle vuoden ikäiselle. Jännäsin koko ajan riittääkö tämä jämälanka. Lopulta jäljelle jäikin vain pieni nöttönen. Tehokasta!

In the photo above the model is  Aino, 1 year, 3 months. These socks were a little bit too small for her, so I think these are just perfect for someone less than a year old. I made these socks from a scrapyarn and had some very thrilling moments wondering if I have enough yarn. Only a couple of meters is now left. Effective use of yarn!